In September, our niece Haley was baptized and Jeff was the family member who was able to attend. (I had class!) In October, our niece Ellie was baptized and we decided to bring Caden and Emily and make a road trip!
It was a beautiful sunset so Kelly enjoyed the view and showing Caden where Jeff had proposed to her!
Ellie looked so beautiful and we had such a great time celebrating her!
While in Utah, I was able to meet up with my great friend Kirsten for a run. Always good to run with friends!
We enjoyed playing games with cousins and just having fun as a family.
When we got back, there was basically one day left to do a pumpkin patch, so we grabbed a few friends and went for some fun. It was a beautiful day!
Caden has been very different from any of our other kids. One day he came to me and said he wanted to decorate his Flash costume. He created his own persona called "Lightning Caden" and he asked my good friend Sue to help him personalize his costume. He started his own Youtube channel and has fun coming up with new ideas.
We had some friends over for Halloween and Bryce had fun trick or treating on his own and got a ton of candy.
Jeff and Kelly decided to have a date to a Blazer game. They had a great time.
On Veterans Day, Kelly was able to convince Dallin, Cassie, Bryce and Caden to go hiking to a new spot. It was a beautiful day (even though it was cold!) and they all had a great time. We missed Emily (who chose not to go) and Jeff (who had to work!)
Kelly is still enjoying the great running weather with friends!
Caden surprised us by asking to play basketball again. He didn't seem to have very much fun last time but of course we let him try again.
Kelly and Jeff went to Jamba Juice to celebrate their first date anniversary. :-)