I am recording this because I want to be held accountable. Also, I would LOVE ideas from any of you. This week is National TV turnoff week. For 7 days, you commit to not turn on the TV. We did this last year and it really helped me to cut down on our TV time in general. Unfortunately, pregnancy has allowed me to become lazy in this area again. So, I want my kids and I (and my hubby) to remember what we liked to do before we watched so much TV. I have been preparing them for a few weeks and we talked about it tonight. I know this will not be easy, but I am excited for the challenge. Anyone up for this with me?
We decided that we will not watch TV or play X box. We can use the computer for a total of an hour each day. 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. I am going to actually unplug the TV and hide the little DVD player. I am a little worried about Emily because she is too young to really understand why we are doing this and I am sure it will be a fight, but I know it will be worth it.
I have had some great spiritual experiences this week, and I know by turning off the TV, I will allow myself to have more. I went to a great Stake Women's Conference yesterday. One of the speakers talked about "Finding joy in our life." She told us that it is up to us to find our happiness. One of the suggestions was to keep a gratitude journal where you write down 3 things you are grateful for each day. I am going to do this. Also, she said when you think of something nice about someone else, say it. This seems obvious, but there are many times I think of a compliment and never say it out loud. So, my goal is to say it right when I think of it. I really want to take advantage of this week and use my time to make my life and the lives of others better. Wish me luck!! I will update how it goes.
3 days ago
Days like tomorrow's forecast should help the "no television" cause! I know at our house we spend every minute we can outdoors when the sun is gracing us with her presence. It's a great time to catch up on yardwork if you are comfortable doing so. Maybe this is a good week to visit the library with the kids? Encourage their interest by having them track the number of books they read this week (or you read to them) with a special prize or outing this weekend to reward their efforts. ?
Hope you are doing well with these remaining weeks of your pregnancy! I'm hanging in there.
Kelly, You could have the kids draw pictures for grandma. Also, grandma could send pictures of "little Kelly" with a story to go with it. Of course this is from your MOM. Love Ya and I'm Proud of you!
Good luck and let us all know how it goes.
We used to do TV Turnoff Week back in the day. Good for you for sticking with it and setting guidelines. I'm sure it will be awesome for your family.
Wow! That's a great idea. I know that I would get a lot done during the day...like cleaning toilets!
I'm proud of you, M&M! There is no way I could give up the boob tube right now! You are an inspiration... :)
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