Wednesday, December 15, 2021

2020- The Year that shall not be named!

Wow! I'm not even sure where to start which is probably why I never updated 2020. Here is a quick recap of the year. We had moved back to Oregon. :-) (It's hard to keep track of where we live). 

January- On the 6th Kelly had her second mammogram and they found issues but didn't have the biopsy until the 30th. 

February-3- Kelly was diagnosed with an early breast cancer. 10- Kelly's college Concordia announced they were closing. Dallin had a fantastic basketball season. We also went indoor skydiving as a double date with him and Cassie!

March- 7-9 Kelly went to California and was able to spend time with all her siblings and her mom to say goodbye to their childhood home in the mountains that was being sold. Angi and Ranell wanted to see where Kelly grew up so we made it a girls trip. Heather and her kids followed Kelly back to Oregon for their spring break and they went on many adventures. 

March 13- Friday the 13th!!! The day the world stopped!! Dallin was supposed to be in a  big fundraiser pageant and it was canceled. Everything was canceled. School. Life. Coronovirus Covid 19 had infiltrated and the world was doing what they could to stop it from spreading. We were supposed to stay home as much as possible. All school went online. Heather and her kids made it back to Texas!

March 20- Kelly's birthday. It started as a downer with Kelly finally realizing that the trip to Hawaii was not going to happen. But then since her family had nowhere to go they made her hiking dreams come true and it was a perfect day. Over the weekend we went on one more hike. 

March 23- Kelly's dr. calls to say her surgery has been canceled. She calls Diane to tell her and she suggests she call Utah and insurance to see if it can be scheduled in Utah. By lots of miracles it was all approved!! Surgery was set for April 2nd. Ranell was awesome and offered to come to Utah with Kelly so she didn't have to expose her family. Sarah's sister Carrie found an awesome couple who was willing to donate an airbnb for them to stay in and we found the perfect airbnb! The owners of the Airbnb were so kind and set up a "Pink Brigade". Since Kelly would be without her family, they dropped off a gift every day. It was so thoughtful. Kelly was also spoiled by Ranell's sisters and Kelly's sister Shelly and her family. It was hard to not see people, but we were doing our best to stay safe. Surgery was successful and we were all relieved to know Kelly was cancer free. 

April- Kelly finishes spring semester at Concordia and spends the first 2 weeks in Utah. April 15, they are able to go home. Kids are online school. It is crazy. 

May- We ended up buying a house back on our old street! Still in lockdown, we are able to go to the beach as a family. We realized how strong the bonds of our love are when we thought we lost Caden to the waves while he was boogie boarding. 

June- Dallin graduated from Sherwood High School as one of the 20 Valedictorians. We are really proud of him for how hard he worked! Jeff was offered a job with the tiny company named Apple. 

Summer 2020- Still sort of in lockdown, Caden does lots of Tae Kwan do, Bryce gets to do some soccer, and Emily plays lots and lots of tennis. 

August- We keep feeling like we should go to Utah. Kelly had one more surgery to go, plus student teaching, plus kids did not do well with online learning and the biggest reason is to get time with extended family during the pandemic!

Fall 2020- We bought a house in Utah we were very familiar with- Uncle Rob's! We love it and it's a great place for us right now. We finally gave in to the begging and welcomed a sweet black lab puppy named Charley into our home. Kelly had her second surgery and recovered well and did a little bit of student teaching while still going to school. Kids are adjusting well to their new schools. Jeff is working hard at Apple. We are all enjoying spending time with family. Dallin is having way too much fun at BYU but comes to visit every once in a while. Kelly joined him for a hike of the Y. We spent Thanksgiving with Kelly's family in Hurricane and have been able to see Shelly and Nate's family as well. We love Family Dinner with the Markers when possible. 

Christmas 2020- Best part of the year was our trip to Hawaii. So great to relax and enjoy as a family!

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