A year ago my sweet father gave me a father's blessing that promised me I would be able to be the mom I want to be. That phrase has stuck with me a lot and I am sure I will think about it a lot through the rest of my life. What kind of mom do I want to be?
1. A mom who loves her children.
2. A mom who plays with her children.
3. A mom who loves their father!
4. An active mom!
5. A healthy mom.
6. A mom who is close to her Father in Heaven.
7. A mom who makes the house feel inviting.
8. A mom who talks kindly to her children.
9. A mom who is quick to admit her mistakes.
10. A mom who teaches her children.
11. A mom who reads to her children.
12. A mom who helps her children to love learning.
13. A mom who teaches her children to pray.
14. A mom who makes her children feel safe.
15. A mom who is patient with her children.
16. A mom who KNOWS her children individually.
17. A mom who lovingly disciplines her children.
18. A mom who teaches her children to love the scriptures.
19. A mom who teaches her children to be kind to others.
20. A mom who teaches her children to serve others.
21. A mom who teaches her children to love everyone, regardless of race or religion.
22. A mom who knows the Savior.
23. A mom who loves the temple.
24. A mom who doesn't gossip.
25. A mom who does her best not to complain.
26. A mom who is grateful for all her blessings.
27. A mom who is close to her family.
28. A mom who is a good friend.
29. A mom who knows what's most important.
30. A mom who knows how to have fun!
31. A mom who keeps her word.
32. A mom who apologizes.
33. A mom who works hard.
34. A mom who accomplishes her goals.
35. A mom who runs.
36. A mom who reads.
37. A mom who still water skis when she is 60.
38. A mom who enjoys being a mom.
Edited to add:
A mom who is not afraid to try.
A mom who is not afraid to fail.
A mom who can cry.
A mom who can teach right from wrong, and then her kids will choose.
A mom who listens to the spirit.
I know I am far from perfect, but I am really working hard to put first things first. I love my children and I want to enjoy being a mom. I am grateful for the opportunity to be at home with them and I am striving to use that time as best as I can. I want to be the best mom I can be with MY gifts and talents. (Notice I didn't put a mom with a spotless house. I have to be realistic here!)
How about the rest of you? What kind of mom do you want to be?