A year ago my sweet father gave me a father's blessing that promised me I would be able to be the mom I want to be. That phrase has stuck with me a lot and I am sure I will think about it a lot through the rest of my life. What kind of mom do I want to be?
1. A mom who loves her children.
2. A mom who plays with her children.
3. A mom who loves their father!
4. An active mom!
5. A healthy mom.
6. A mom who is close to her Father in Heaven.
7. A mom who makes the house feel inviting.
8. A mom who talks kindly to her children.
9. A mom who is quick to admit her mistakes.
10. A mom who teaches her children.
11. A mom who reads to her children.
12. A mom who helps her children to love learning.
13. A mom who teaches her children to pray.
14. A mom who makes her children feel safe.
15. A mom who is patient with her children.
16. A mom who KNOWS her children individually.
17. A mom who lovingly disciplines her children.
18. A mom who teaches her children to love the scriptures.
19. A mom who teaches her children to be kind to others.
20. A mom who teaches her children to serve others.
21. A mom who teaches her children to love everyone, regardless of race or religion.
22. A mom who knows the Savior.
23. A mom who loves the temple.
24. A mom who doesn't gossip.
25. A mom who does her best not to complain.
26. A mom who is grateful for all her blessings.
27. A mom who is close to her family.
28. A mom who is a good friend.
29. A mom who knows what's most important.
30. A mom who knows how to have fun!
31. A mom who keeps her word.
32. A mom who apologizes.
33. A mom who works hard.
34. A mom who accomplishes her goals.
35. A mom who runs.
36. A mom who reads.
37. A mom who still water skis when she is 60.
38. A mom who enjoys being a mom.
Edited to add:
A mom who is not afraid to try.
A mom who is not afraid to fail.
A mom who can cry.
A mom who can teach right from wrong, and then her kids will choose.
A mom who listens to the spirit.
I know I am far from perfect, but I am really working hard to put first things first. I love my children and I want to enjoy being a mom. I am grateful for the opportunity to be at home with them and I am striving to use that time as best as I can. I want to be the best mom I can be with MY gifts and talents. (Notice I didn't put a mom with a spotless house. I have to be realistic here!)
How about the rest of you? What kind of mom do you want to be?
what a great list! i wouldn't add anything to it, you got it perfect.
What a neat thing to remember from your dad, too. I love your list...that's awesome.
I love this post. I want all these things too! (Except perhaps #37, pretty sure that's not in my cards).
I think you've got it summed up. Only, I'm with Emily. Scratch #37.
I just hope I can raise my child (or children, eventually) to be a decent person. To do what's right and treat others right. That's not too much to ask, right?
Thanks, Kelly. It's been a long few days running the household solo. I need to breath a little slower and deeper sometimes and remind myself of the kind of mom I want to be, too...
That's quite the list!! I don't think I would add anything to it, I have trouble working on all the things you mentioned. We get credit for trying right??
Kelly- thanks for this post!
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for your comments. Hopefully you all realize these things are what I am working on. I need this list to remind me that the most important things I can give my child aren't always tangible. I sometimes get caught up in the fact that my talents are more inward talents than outward. I beat myself up for not sewing personalized pillow cases for every occasion or doing homemade crafts with my kids every day. Then I remember that I am giving my kids the BEST that I can give them. This list was not meant to be overwhelming. It was to remind me what is most important to ME. You are all amazing women and moms and I learn so much from each of you.
That was a beautiful list, Kelly, with many important things on it. What would I add? Hmmm...
Before I had kids I knew that I wanted to be a mom who loved each child's unique personality--I seriously couldn't wait to meet each little one to see what he or she would be like. And I think I'm doing okay in that regard. I also wanted to be an active mom, a mom who played volleyball with her kids, ran around with the soccer ball, etc. In that regard...I need some improvement! But I still think it's a worthwhile goal. I love how you wrote you still want to waterski at 60. Rock on, Grandma!
I'm glad you decided to keep it realistic by leaving off the clean house. J/K, that was a great list... it made me think of how easy it is to get caught up in the day to day and lose sight of your bigger goals. And it reminded me of my great-uncle in his 80's who always does his yearly fitness test: can he still get up on waterskis....
Great Post..
Every single day I ask myself how I can be a better mom to my two girls. I know I am not perfect but I try to do the best with what my Heavenly Father has given me.
Thanks for posting on my blog. I have sent in my Bio, but not sure how I become a contributer.
Great list Kelly.
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