Our summer has been very low key. We are just having fun doing local activities. No big trips for us. I have loved not having commitments before 10am. :-) Here are some things that have kept us busy:
Vacation Bible School- Emily and Dallin were able to go to this together! I loved hearing them come home saying things such as, "God is powerful. Fear not!" They love the music and we are listening to it now. One of their favorite parts was the teeter totters.
Spontaneous Beach Trip- For as much as I love the ocean, I don't really visit it that often here in Oregon. First of all, it is a little different here than in California. The water is COLD. Second of all, I avoid driving at all costs. So, packing my kids in the car for a 3 hour round trip does not appeal to me. So, I was very proud when one of my good friends suggested we go on a hot day and I said yes! We had a very relaxing time and it was beautiful. I will definitely have to do this again.
Local Parade- When Jeff was with Dallin, we ventured to the local parade. One of the things I love about our little town is their festivals. This was followed by a rousing night of Family Feud and Karaoke at our next door neighbor and good friends' house. Wish I had pics of this!! Love our neighborhood!!
While Jeff was gone, Emily was invited by her good friends Hannah and Holden to go to gymnastics class with them. She loved it!! I am looking into more classes for her.
Trip to the pool- I finally went to my first outdoor pool in Oregon. I always joke that my life would be too easy in CA because I would live at the pool or the beach. We don't have any local outdoor pools here, so I ventured to one about 15 miles away. It was awesome!! We will definitely be back! There was a lazy river, waterslides for the older kids, little frog waterslide for the little ones, and I enjoyed good friends and sun!! Next time, I will bring Jeff. :-)
Last and not least- We were able to watch some of our good friends perform in a local production of The Music Man. I was so impressed with their talent. I will link you to Sarah's web page so you can watch her husband, Taylor's performances. So much fun!!! Carrie, are you going to link some of Carey's performances!! I wish I had their talent, but I was grateful I could enjoy it. We brought Dallin and Emily and went with good friends and it was a fun night.
Real Life Angle- So, this is all the fun stuff. In reality, day to day is still not always easy. I am trying to enjoy the moments, but I get caught up in my own frustrations in my weaknesses. Right now, I am still fighting an ulcer that was never healed. I am just grateful for all my blessings. I love this quote from the Music Man,
"You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering. "
Thanks to all my friends and family for their love and support!
I just finished reading "The Anatomy of Peace" and it has changed me forever! I don't think I will look at my relationships the same again. I highly reccommend it. If I do things a little differently than I did in the past, just know I am doing my best.
Hey! Next time you go to the beach, CALL ME! I feel your pain when it comes to the beaches in Oregon--I miss California beaches! We can face the drive out together! : )
I love our little community! Way to go Dallin!! (And no, I have NO IDEA where that competitiveness comes from!) ;] Speaking of competitiveness, we are long overdo for another game night.
Wow! How much fun do you have? Glad you're having a great summer in the NOW! Hope to see you soon.
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