Well, being Thanksgiving and all, it is a good time to count my blessings. I hope I will take this attitude with me beyond today.
1. I am so grateful for my husband. Being separated for 2 weeks, I have definitely realized how much better we work as a team. I feel like I can get through anything with Jeff by my side. Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of our first date. We started off as good friends and it is that easy friendship that continues to sustain us.
2. I am grateful for my children. I love seeing their 3 distinct personalities emerge. I missed Dallin immensely while he was gone. He is my rock and gets me through my day. He has a sweet spirit and is a lot of fun. I have enjoyed my bonding time with Emily, or "Little Reba" as my dad calls her. She is a little fireball and keeps me on my toes. Bryce is a sweet, fun baby who loves to laugh and giggle. He turned 6 months old yesterday and he is growing up so fast already. He is rolling all over the place and scooting/crawling to get to where he wants to goes. No staying in one place for him!
3. I am grateful for my parents. It has been very difficult watching my dad go through his physical trial, but it has reminded me of his strength and how much I want to be like him. His generosity is unmatched and I love that his sense of humor is still intact. My mother is a pillar of strength and yet she is willing to admit when she needs help. I am glad that I have been with her for these weeks. I have seen how many lives she has touched and how much people want to be there for her.
4. I am grateful for my siblings. There are 5 of us and we have had our ups and downs and changes in our friendships, but through it all we have become closer and learned to rely on one another. I have learned much from each one of them and I hope we can continue to be there for each other.
5. I am grateful for my knowledge and testimony of the gospel. I am definitely not perfect and I am grateful I don't have to be. The Savior takes over when I fall short. I am grateful to know I will be with my family forever. This brings me some peace during the toughest times.
6. I am grateful for good friends. I am continually amazed by their service and love. I only hope I can be there for them and know of their needs.
7. I am grateful for my health. As I went running yesterday and today I felt strong and healthy. I love being outside in the fresh air and feeling my Heavenly Father's love as my body moves in a rhythm.
8. I am grateful for my extended family. It has been so great to be around my grandma, my aunts and uncles and cousins during this time. I can't wait to see everyone and eat a great dinner!! (Another thing I am thankful for-food!)
So much more!! It is hard to complain when there are so many blessings right in front of me.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving. I look forward to reading what everyone else is grateful for.
Slow Start
1 week ago
I am so glad your family could be together for the holiday. There is so much to be thankful for.
You are a very blessed person, and I am grateful to know you and be your friend!
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