Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A little pick me up

Today started out a little "blah" as I consciously decided not to run this morning. Instead, I slept in and still felt sluggish. (I need to remember this tomorrow!) It got better as the day went on when Suzie made me lunch and then watched my 2 older kids while I grocery shopped. Dinner ended up great and then I decided to go to the gym for a quick workout. While walking upstairs, I was glancing at the nominations left by YMCA members for employee of the month. I saw this one:

Kelly is a great parent/child kids gym teacher even with a tough month or two. My daughter enjoys it.

It made me smile and reminded me why I do enjoy working a few hours a week at the Y. I have been debating whether or not to keep working, and I am still not decided, but it is nice to feel validated every once in a while.


Suzie Petunia said...

I'm going to vote for you, too!!

You worked out without me? What?

LCM said...

I am in a bit of a rut myself. I figured painting all day should count for something, but I never get the high from painting as I do from running or a good class. They have this class, Zumba, down here. You would get a good workout, laughing while watching me shake it!!!

ped crossing said...

If I didn't dislike the Y so much I would vote for you.

Any validation is a wonderful thing. I don't need to see you in action to know that you are a wonderful, caring person.

Rach said...

Hey Kelly,

Thanks for visiting my blog!! I have been reading through your blog, I can't believe you run marathons. I do 2 miles on the treadmill and I think that is an accomplishment =) Good hearing from you.

JP said...

So...I'm voting for you too. I just hope it still counts since it's an honorary vote from over here in CA...

bedelia said...

I'm miss your every day blogging. It was something I looked for to reading.

bedelia said...

correction: forward to reading

hazeypurpleC said...

Hey Kel, I love getting caught up with your updates. I saw the last one was as of the 28th. Had a great weekend with you. I will have to download your snowrun with sarah. You are inspiring me to get my butt running again. Love you lots, you middle child :) Crystal

Becca said...

Kelly? What is going on? You have to call me or I will call you! We have much catching up to do. Love you Kelly!