It is nice to have a few ideas for posts! Writing every day gets a little crazy, but it is a fun challenge.
So, onto my plan. As most of you know, I really struggle with organization. It just doesn't come naturally to me and I get overwhelmed very easily. Usually I will set a crazy goal such as, "I will have the whole house completely organized in the next 2 weeks." I do a marathon cleaning and organizing day and then get burned out. Then I end up more frustrated than I was to begin with. My awesome friend Suziepetunia told me about a book that might help me. It is called One Year to an Organized Life. It gives week by week assignments to get you organized in a reasonable amount of time. Baby steps instead of trying to do everything at once. For the first time in my life I feel very optimistic about getting things somewhat under control. I will be meeting with a few of my close friends (including Suziepetunia!) once a month to talk about how things are going and prepare for the next month. It will be great to have a support system. Wish me luck!
For those of you who I know are incredibly organized, please feel free to comment with any tricks that have worked for you. I will keep a link to this post on the side of my blog, and anytime you think of something to add, please do! I love learning from other people what works for them!
3 days ago
Can other friends join your get organized club? I need some fine tuning. Okay, a major overhaul. Please? Sounds like a great goal.
You're on the right track to taking it in baby steps. Another tip I'd recommend you'll be familiar with because its similar to motivated moms. Start the day with a list. Seriously, every morning make it a part of your routine (and a routine is so important for getting organized) make a list of what you're going to do that day. Block in out in time increments - a daily planner helps with this - which will help you to know exactly what you can fit in to that day around car pooling the kids, appointments, etc.
It sounds, and is, overwhelming at first, but if you stick at it, you'll get better at making your daily to do lists and you'll find yourself with (are you read for this?) FREE TIME. I know, I know. It sounds like a beautiful dream, but its true.
That book sounds great, I think I'll make it my new year's resolution to help me adjust to life with a little one. :-)
pedcrossing- Yes, we would love to have you join us! I just bought the book through Amazon and we started this month. We will be meeting the first Sunday night of each month. Email me if you would like details!
Leah- This is exactly what I am talking about! That is such a great idea. I will definitely try to start doing that in the morning. I rely on my brain too much. :-)
This book sounds right up my alley. I need help!
Hey--that's my kind of book! Where do you guys meet? Maybe I should start a group in the Tualatin area!
If there are areas of my home that need to be cleaned out and organized, I make the job as small as possible. Example: I'm going to clean out this one drawer. Usually when I do that, I get enough motivation to do a couple more. And if not, then I've achieved my goal. I deep clean my house just one room at a time. One room per week, if necessary. Then the tasks don't seem too overwhelming. I also try to clean up most everything before bed, so that I start the day with a clean slate. Good luck!
When you commented on my pantry, I remembered this post. I do Fall and Spring cleaning, but I only do one area at a time. I don't even lump it into rooms because thoroughly cleaning a bathroom or our walk in closet is more than enough! I have a list of the things I need to accomplish in each room and I also have a mop bucket that holds all of my cleaning supplies. I can just carry it with me wherever I need to go. Oh! and the organizer things from Walmart. A place for everything and everything in it's place, right?
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