So, there is a big joke about Jeff's birthday presents from me. I always have good ideas that just don't work out. So, I am always telling him that "Well, you were gonna get a really cool _____, but...". For his birthday in January I decided it was time to get him a decent TV. He works so hard and rarely does anything for himself. He is a sports fanatic and it is how he unwinds. I figure the least I can do is let him watch it in HD. :-) So, we went shopping for a TV, but the one rule was that we still wanted it to fit in our entertainment center. As explained in my "anti-shopping" post, the size we wanted was just a tad too big, so we didn't buy one at all. Well, 7 months later, we decided to look again. We finally found one that was a good price and a good TV and it is the smaller size. It is amazing what a difference the clarity is. We watched "Iron Man" on the new TV and really enjoyed it.
So, how about the rest of you? Did you get sucked into society's need for a bigger TV? Is it worth it?
Edited to Add: The TV is a 32 inch and our last was a 27 inch. We had hoped to get a 37 inch, but it was a 1/2 inch too wide to fit in our entertainment center. The 32 inch is great though and I think Jeff is very happy. (He better be!)
Ohhhh! I love it!! We got sucked in for sure! how could you not when thats all you look at when you walk into Costco! Hey if your gonna watch espn non stop better watch it in style!
I don't but my Husband sure does. We had a perfectly good tv and large I might add and he came home with a flat screen HD TV that was slightly bigger : ) I hope you enjoy your new tv.
Yes, I do read too. We have a little TV that has a green spot in the upper left corner...we think because it is sitting to close to the gi-normous speaker that we got from a brother-in-law that is probably worth like 10 of our TVs. I hate TV because I love it so much. We have no cable, satellite or fiber for that reason. We are a strictly DVD family and even then we don't watch it much. I signed off TV back in college when I realized I was watching a couple hours a day but somehow couldn't make the time to read scriptures...maybe I need to sign off the internet until I can get my scripture study back up to par. Apparently this comment is making up for all the times I didn't comment.
Wow, such quick comments from everyone- so fun! (Although I really should be in bed. :-)
Steph- Yep, Costco is the culprit.
Katie- If it makes them happy, right? Our rule is that if Jeff is watching a game and Bryce is awake, then Jeff is in charge of Bryce, so it does buy me some free time!
Bedelia- Yeah!!! I am so glad to hear from you. Somehow you weren't on my new blogroll, so I will have to bug you more again. Did you see me mention your name a few blog comments ago? Anyway, welcome, I love your opinions! I, too, am not a fan of TV because it can be addictive. I try to limit it with my kids and myself, but I let Jeff do his own thing. My vice is definitely the internet! I have to admit, though, in Oregon the TV is nice to have on a rainy day. :-)
After 10 years with a 19 inch tv, we now own a (gasp) 47 inch HDTV. But I've never had so much fun watching sports!
Well, you've seen our TV ... it's really much too big, but it is fun. And the HD makes an incredible difference. I can appreciate bedelia's comment about the time spent watching TV vs. reading scriptures. Definitely some food for thought. Congrats on the new TV and Jeff deserves it!
I think I have the only husband in the world who isn't drawn to such things--he has no desire to get a big, flat screen HDTV, or to get a cell phone, or ipod, or TiVo, or blackberry, or video game console of any type whatsoever. I think I want this stuff more than he does! It's not quite normal, I tell you!! I tell him he's like the unibomber, but without the homicidal tendencies. He finds that real funny. ;)
We have an older big screen TV, we call him stevie, does that tell you how we feel about TV? Then last year, at Walmart's pre Black Friday sale, I got TD a 50" flat screen, which I am currently enjoying ER on. Can't give TD too hard a time. I love it too.
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!! We got sucked in too and bought a big tv when everyone was having sales for Super Bowl. I don't watch it much during the day, but I have to admit when the kids go to bed I enjoy watching my shows.
Yeah, but we can't (get sucked in). There is a built-in shelf for our TV and it's only 32 inches wide, so the biggest TV we can get is 27 inches because the speakers around the edge make it measure 32. my brother just got a 42 inch HD for his basement from Costco for only $699. That was tempting...we could just mount it on the wall and leave that empty tv space for something else...
Yes, we got sucked in. And yes, it was from Costco.
And I, unlike Amelia, embrace my addiction to TV. I read books during the commercials. ;-)
Not too much. We have a 37", I think. Also, Costco. Mostly we wanted the flat screen to free up space in our little living room. We do only have one TV though. I am addicted to the DVR. Now I can watch a 30 minute show in 20 minutes.
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